Sunday, September 8, 2013

Back into the Swing of Things

It's officially the end of the second week of school and I'm starting to feel like the family is settled into our routine again.  As much as I like the fun days of summer, I'm exhausted by the end and it's nice to get onto a schedule again and have the household (somewhat) under control.  Speaking of handling household items, I've started the most amazing way to store clothes for kids #2 and #3.  These cubbies are genius for busy minds that don't want to think about how to put outfits together and/or tackle the task of putting clothes on hangers.  It's amazing how such a small change can make our mornings run more smoothly.

Here is Lauren with her YW candied apple which she insisted on me taking a pic for the blog.  I'd say the apple tasted as good as it looked but unfortunately only the cook got to sample the deliciousness. ;)

 And speaking of apples, our family conducted a taste test to find out which variety of apple we liked the best.  The kids tasted each apple and scored it, then I tallied the points.
 The official results of the Green family apple tasting:
1 - Pink Lady (with a perfect score!)
2 - Gala (with a near perfect score)
3 - Jazz
4 - Braeburn
5 - Golden Delicious
6 - Fuji
7 - Red Delicious
8 - Ginger Gold
9 - Granny Smith  (no surprise here - my least fave too)
 What is your favorite apple?

This year Lauren had the opportunity to join a homeschool co-op called Vanguard Academy.  I am going to have to write a huge detailed post about this co-op in the future because I am thrilled with this group.  All of the people we've met are so kind and we are both excited about the year ahead, in fact, Lauren's extra excited because she was just voted into the presidency as the game chief!  They started off the year with a "Vision Hike" on Friday morning in which they hiked as a group to a beautiful overlook and had a devotional about their theme for the year.

Friday night I had the super fun opportunity to go to dinner with my mom, Amy & Jackie.  We giggled nonstop and the giggles turned into huge laughs when they brought out my mom's ginormous ice cream sundae.  We missed having my sister Kim and our sisters-in-law there and we also got reprimanded by the brothers for being sexist and only inviting the girls.  Sorry!!  Next time it'll be a huge par-tay!

 On Saturday, we went to Tyson's baptism and then Jackie's house for food, fun, games, and more food.  I didn't take any pictures but we had SO MUCH fun with everyone that was there and stayed till it was time for dinner.  Thanks Jack!

Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this week I had the opportunity to go to the Utah Realtor's Convention in Deer Valley with Matt.  Nana and Papa stayed with the kids - I love the picture of the boys cuddling with Nana in the morning.  The pictures of Matt and me are before the awards dinner and I'm laughing at my outfit and hair - I look like a politicians wife.
 Well, that's it... see you next week!


  1. You are so funny Heidi:). I way prefer a granny smith apple to a Red Delicious, but half of our family like their fruit on the green side as well.:))
    Bananas anyone??
    I am glad that Lauren has the opportunity to ineract with other kids, the social stuff is important too!

  2. O.K. so I've always wanted to have an apple tasting contest. Fun. I think red delicious would be at the bottom of mine for sure! I actually really love Braeburns, but they have to be from Australia.:) Mike loves Gala, and all the rest are just meh for me, I'm really not an apple fan unless it is apple pie! Way to be a good organizer and I'm glad Lauren is loving her co-op. You are such a beautiful politicians wife.:) Maybe Matt should think about it. :) Sure loved getting together with you girls. We should all meet down in Southern Utah sometime and go to a play or something. Wooo Fun!@

  3. How does your new laundry system work? Do you just put them in pairs when folded?

    Fuji all the way! Hey, hey, hey!

    Lauren's homeschool group sounds awesome! I can't wait to hear more about it.

    It really was so much fun to have a girls night. I like Amy's St. George idea. That would be a blast!

    Love you!
