Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Day

Our Christmas day was wonderful. On Christmas Eve, after visiting my mom, we did the traditional Christmas jammie presents and read stories about Christ. The kids all went to bed really well that evening, but unfortunately Matt and I forgot to remind them of the morning "guidelines." So, at 3:40 AM, about half an hour after I'd fallen asleep (thanks to my shingles medications), Lauren excitedly woke up thinking that we'd all get up with her and open gifts. We sent her back to bed. Less than an hour later, I woke again to sounds of excitement. This time around, Lauren had woken Will to join her. I sent them to bed, this time with a stern warning from a sleep deprived mom. I told Lauren that if she woke up anyone else or came out of her room again before I came and got her, she wouldn't get her Santa gifts. (I'm kind of mean when I'm half asleep.) At 7:00, Bradley came into bed with Matt and I to snuggle. He and I had fun whispering with each other and at around 7:45 we convinced Matt that we should wake everybody else up. We gathered all the kids in our room for loves and hugs and then we all ran out to the family room together.

The kids ravaged in their stockings and then they kind of took turns opening their gifts from Santa. I love this picture of Matt shooting the morning activities... I tease him every year that nobody is going to want to watch a video of the entire Christmas day. He says we don't video our kids enough. We're both kind of right; him maybe a little more so than me.

All Owen wanted was "Thomas Engine" from Santa and he wasn't disappointed.

Will got the remote control helicopter and lego speeder that he asked for.

Lauren got a dsi and fashion designer kit. (Look at Maggie's nose in the second picture, she likes being part of the fun too. ;)

Bradley favorite was a hockey bag and new wii hockey game. (That picture isn't of the hockey game, it's a Professor Layton ds game; they're super fun brain teasers.)

After Santa gifts, we ate our yummy, fancy, huge, traditional breakfast. This is my favorite part of the morning because we take a break from the craziness to pray, eat, and visit. Matt and I usually linger at the table together while the kids sneak off to play with their toys.

After breakfast, we headed back over to exchange the gifts that we'd bought for one another. I love see my kids open their gifts from one another. I help the two younger ones with the gifts they give out, but the older two do it all themselves and they're both very generous and thoughtful with the gifts they give. Some of my favorites: Bradley gave a karate necklace to Lauren and a framed Star Wars poster to Will. Lauren picked out special fabric and made pillowcases for each of her siblings. She also spent extra on Bradley and gave him a ds game. This picture is after Lauren opened her necklace from Bradley. Will and Owen hopped into the hug right before I took the picture... aahh, these moments are the best.

My favorite gifts to receive were the hockey mom earrings and poem that Bradley gave me, the ornament Will made in school, and the ice skates that Matt surprised me with. I think Matt's favorites were an electric toothbrush and golf umbrella. He also loved surprising the family with a kindle.

We usually get ready and head out to Nana's house for the afternoon and then Nana Jo's house for dinner, but this year we had everyone over to our house instead. The whole day was just delightful. Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. :)


  1. What a fun day. I love all the pictures and details about what everyone received. It makes it feel like we were actually there with you. Your breakfast sounded wonderful as always. I'm glad you had such a nice day, minus the lack of sleep.

  2. There are so many things that I want to comment about on this post that I hope that I remember them all.

    First off, I think I would have killed my child if they had woken me up that early, not once, but twice & another sibling as, I'm mean in the mornings. I actually know a gal in my neighborhood who's 4 year old son got a letter from Santa explaining why he hadn't been good enough to receive presents from him that year. I've never heard of anyone actually doing that before.

    Next, Colby always videotapes all of Christmas as well, & I always say, "Isn't that enough?" I think you're right though, it's better to have too much then not enough.

    Where did you find Will's pj's? I LOVED them!

    And that picture of all of your kids hugging each other needs to be blown up & framed. How sweet, I loved it!
