Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer - Week #9

This week, in keeping with earning scout belt loops, we rode our bikes to Boondocks to play a round of miniature golf.  We had some free coupons from reading incentives earned at school - bonus!  Boondocks is less than 2 miles from our house with sidewalks all the way - why aren't we riding there more often?!?

I sent the kids on a picture scavenger hunt to get them outside and earn screen time (they are seriously addicted right now - next week we're going cold turkey).  I made a checklist of a bagillion things, sent them out the door to wander the neighborhood with their checklist, and every thing they took a picture of on the list earned them a minute of screen time.
We also went swimming at Oakridge with the Coombs family - no pics... but I did want to mention it because 1) we're really enjoying the club, and 2) that wonderful family is a blessing in our lives.

Matt went mountain biking twice this week.  Once with his brothers Morgan and Mason and another time with a business acquaintance   He's pretty hot stuff in this picture in my unbiased opinion.

We went boating for only the second time this summer on Saturday.  What?!  We need to use that boat more!  Here are pics of the kids dancing to "I'm Sexy and I Know It" and "Party Rockin'."  They have quite the moves going on.  Matt walked by and looked at the pics as I was typing this post and remarked, "well, at least it looks like we're having fun."  Yeah, there was a lot of tension mixed in with the fun on that outing. ;-) 

I really like to focus on the positive things that happen on this blog but I've gotta be honest now - the weekend before all these posted activities, summer (and life in general) started to really wear on me.  I haven't been able to exercise because of my broken toe and I wasn't eating healthy; both of which are vital to my mental well-being and ability to handle problems that arise.  I was tired, sensitive, ornery, and most importantly I was feeling like I wasn't focusing on what I should be as a person/mother/wife.  I've had some fresh parenting challenges pop up.  And, Matt and I got in a rare, big argument and I felt terrible about it because I really hurt his feelings.  Then to top it off, one of the lessons in church last Sunday was about families and how much our kids follow our example.  So if the kids do/say/wear/think crappy things, it's all the parents' fault... ok, so that was obviously NOT the message that was being taught by the sweet teacher, but in my emotional state of mind that's what my initial reaction to it was.  I came home from church upset, but then determined to change my attitude, example, actions, and priorities.  I bore through the week trying to break out of my funk and was trying to head upward until another experience at church this Sunday totally brought me back down.  I'm trying to keep an open mind and heart and discover what I am supposed to learn from these challenges.  Bradley and Lauren are both really sore today from being pulled behind the boat and I told them the pain is good because it means they're getting stronger muscles.  And so it is with this I suppose... I'll get stronger with every trial if I remember to view it from the right angle and (hopefully) learn from it.  Plus, Matt and I had a rare indulgence with dirty diet cokes tonight to ease the stress and that always helps too, right?!  :-)  Bring on this week - I'm ready for it!


  1. Heidi, I'm so sorry it's been a rough couple of weeks. I wish that I could come and give you a great big hug. I think you are a wonderful mother/person and I hope that you will be able to find the peace and guidance that you need right now. I love you!

  2. Heidi. I think you're wonderful! I know what you mean about getting in a funk and then add kid worries and it almost makes life unbearable. I hope you start feeling better and have a better week! I am going to be dropping you off some yummy granola this week- whenever I get a second to make it!:) you are one of the ladies I look up to as a mom and wife!

  3. O.k, what constitutes a "dirty" diet coke? I'm sorry that life has been getting you down. I know I sure get into those same "funks" and although I try to be positive, sometimes I'm reminded that I can be pretty negative and defensive. I hope that you are able to find some peace and clarity. It's sure a blessing that we can try, try again, because I sure make a load of mistakes. Just know I think you are amazing and love you tons. You truly are a good example of trying your best and always reflecting and doing better. :)
